Via Habsburg

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Geliştirici: Pierre Canthelou

Art of the Middle Ages and the Baroque, history, breathtaking scenery, legendary castles and stunning religious architecture,
outstanding food ... splendid surprises await you on the Via Habsburg trail! With four countries, five regions, 70 sights and cities and no fewer than 150 tourist destinations, this comprehensive route between the Rhine and the Danube invites you to thrilling discoveries, unique experiences and enriching encounters on the trail of the dynasty which, like no other, determined the fate of Europe for over
800 years: the Habsburgs.
From Alsace to Austria, via Germany, Switzerland and the Tyrol, each place and route is accompanied by a geolocation and pictures / description shown to allow you to optimize routes and discover image illustrates the world of Habsburg: 800 years of historic European art and culture on the trail of the Habsburgs

With the support of the following partners
ADT Haute-Alsace Tourisme Agence de Développement Touristique, Colmar; Burghauptmannschaft Österreich, Innsbruck; Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft, Familie und Jugend, Wien ; FWTM, Freiburg ; Münze Österreich AG, Wien ; Museum Aargau /Schloss Wildegg, Aargau.

M. Vuillermoz/CSE management; we would also like to thank "Die Welt der Habsburger"

ADT, Colmar; Basel Tourismus; BHÖ, Innsbruck; K. Brodhage; G. Buschheit; Jp. Dumel; T.Fimbel; Fotolia : A.Z., Alex TAUZIN, Andrzej Puchta, bluesky6867, bobroy20, Christian Felder, Fabio Barone, Fotolyse, Foto Zihlmann, Gerd Reiber, Henryart, Iso-68, Klaus Heidemann, Leonid Andronov, Marcel Wenk, Marco Desscouleurs, Markus Plank, Matteo Natale, Mellow10, oscity, PackShot, Santi Rodriguez, Stefan Baum, swisshippo, Tom, Waldteufel/Fotolia; FWS, Freiburg; A. Gerth, Basel; Jp. GIRARD; H. HURNAUS; Innsbruck Tourismus; R. Kagerer; © Kunsthistorisches Museum mit MVK und ÖTM - © KHM; O. Malbos ; Marbach/CG68; P. Musi; M. Niedermann; Österreich Werbung, Wien; OT Colmar; OT Thann; Pictural-Colmar; K.-H. Raach, Freiburg; J. Salinas; M. und T. Schneiders, Lindau; A. Smailovic; Tourist-Information Konstanz GmbH; H. Weber, Lenzburg; A. Zimmermann.

Design and layout
CSE management © +33 (0)6 45 18 52 21 / +33 (0)3 89 47 24 44 / [email protected] ; RCS Colmar-France, October 2013.